logawer en tu casa

Please, be mindful that time of the calendar is set to Madrid (Spain) timezone (GMT+1). You should consider it before you choose a time to book your service. You may use the “timezone conversion applet” we have added at the bottom of the booking calendar to convert your local time to Madrid timezone to help you to decide which time frame is more convenient for you.

Once you have booked your service, you will be redirected to a payment page (if necessary). Once there, select your service, and pay using a debit or credit card, or your Paypal account … and see you in class!

 ¡Muchas gracias!

[ea_bootstrap width=”800px” scroll_off=”true” layout_cols=”2″]
logawer en tu casa
Timezone Conversion
Choose Date & Time:
- :
From Timezone:
To Timezone:
Converted Time:

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