Tag: spanish writing

  • Nationalities in Spanish: listening and writing practice.

    “Nationalities in Spanish: listening and writing practice” lesson is designed to improve your Spanish listening and writing skills.Learn the basic rules to name every nationality in Spanish by our video, and write the right answer to the question you will HEAR. “Nationalities in Spanish: listening and writing practice” es una lección que está diseñada para…

  • Booking a hotel in Spanish

    “Booking a hotel in Spanish” lesson is designed to improve your Spanish listening and speaking skills.Learn the top beginner sentences in Spanish you must know for booking a hotel in Spanish. INSTRUCTIONS TO DO THE ACTIVITY OF THIS LESSON:Using the video embedded as a model, choose the different options in this branch scenario till you…

  • Spanish sentences for travel.

    https://www.entucasaspanish.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/writing-2.mp4 “Spanish sentences for traveling” lesson is designed to improve your Spanish listening and speaking skills. Learn the top beginner sentences in Spanish you must know before traveling to any Spanish-speaking country. INSTRUCTIONS TO DO THE ACTIVITY OF THIS LESSON:Using the video embedded as a model, organize the sentences below to create a complete dialogue…